Rat Infestations
A rat infestation has got to be one of the worst nightmares for homeowners. In addition to the obvious health issues, each year millions of Euros of structural damage can be attributed to rat infestations.
Knowing the signs to look for and taking the necessary measures quickly is essential when dealing with rat infestations.
Why do rats move into buildings?
Rats come into homes for pretty much the same reasons as humans do. A roof over their head, resources and a nice place to start a family – human homes offer all that in abundance.
While we will discuss in more detail the reasons that rats will stay in homes, ultimately, it is the easy access that homes afford that lets them in the first place. You might be sure that your home is sealed securely, but rats are masters at squeezing through the tightest of gaps. Cracks on walls, ventilation openings, even entering the attic through the eaves of your roof (black rats for example are great climbers) all offer plenty of scope for a rat to come into your home. The more openings your house has, the easier it is for rats to gain entry. As astonishing as it might seem, rats can fit through a 20mm hole!
During the cold autumn and winter months is a common time for rat infestations to begin. Warmth and shelter from the elements are the prime reasons that rats will infest homes.
Rats are scavengers, and human homes allow them plenty of scope for this, with plenty of accessible sources of food to plunder. Bread, cereal, pasta, cheese, and the contents of your trash bin are all fair game for a rat. In fact, any food left unattended is a target. This makes the kitchen one of the prime areas where you will notice signs of a rat infestation.
Rodents like mice can satisfy most of their water needs through the moisture content in their food. This isn’t the case with rats; rats need a regular supply of drinking water. Leaky taps, water in the tray of houseplants, even the water in your toilet bowl are all potential drinking water sources for rats. Homes offer these in abundance.
Our service technicians can provide you with a high quality service and support to deal with your rat problem using nothing but the best quality products and latest techniques. We Guarantee you will receive a personal service and advice every step of the way.
How to tell if rats have infested your home?
Rats can be elusive creatures; sometimes, the only way to detect their presence is through the tell-tale signs of damage they leave behind. In this section,
Learn to identify signs of a rat problem in your home:
Rat footprints
Look for signs of footprints, particularly in dusty areas. Rodent footprints are quite distinguishable; they have four-toed front footprints and five-toed back footprints.
Either by sight or smell, look for signs of rat urine. Rat urine is pungent and has a very sharp smell that you will likely notice before you see the urine.
Rat dropping
These are easily distinguishable from mouse droppings; they are jellybean or olive-sized and shaped, usually about 1 -2 cm in size and dark brown in colour.
Teeth marks
Rats will gnaw at just about anything, cables, nylon bags, etc. All woods, plastics, and rubbers are all fair game to rats. Rats gnaw marks are larger than those left by mice.
Rat footprints
Rats can leave a strong musky odour throughout the house. They also have an unfortunate tendency to die in awkward places like wall cavities. A bad smell is an inevitable accompaniment to a rat infestation.
Scratching noises
Rats are most active at night, and when the rest of the house is quiet is when you are most likely to hear their scratching and gnawing sounds.
Rub Marks
Rats have poor eyesight, so they tend to use established routes along the walls, and if there's an infestation, you are likely to notice greasy marks from their fur around skirting boards and holes.
Where To Look For Rats Around The Home
Knowing what to look for is a great start; you can also narrow the search by concentrating on the most likely areas.
The kitchen
This is the most obvious place, thanks to being a readily available food source. Check in or behind the cupboards and counters and look for gnaw marks on food packets and plastic containers. Often, you might find food that has been spilt or is missing altogether.

Inside the insulation of walls and ceilings
Whilst you might not be able to physically see them in these areas, you will definitely hear them. Rats are more active at night, and this is when you are most likely to hear them.
The attic
The most rarely visited space in the house is ideal for rats to set up home in. This is where you are most likely to see footprints and droppings. Again, this could well be the source of late-night scratching and scampering noises.

The basement
If you have a basement, then this is another prime spot for rats. It is usually easily accessible, with lots of dark nooks and crannies for them to nest in.
It is also worth noting that the source of a rat infestation may not be inside the house. Rats might be nesting somewhere close by and merely visit when they are hungry. Look for signs in outbuildings like sheds or garages. Also, underneath the decking is a prime spot.
Gardens also offer plenty of rat-friendly environments. Look in areas of overgrown shrubbery for signs of nesting rats.
Finally, home composting bins are a great attractant for rats. These are a ready food source for them, so always make sure that your compost bin is securely sealed and look for signs of chewing or burrowing around it.
Signs of Rat Infestation Growth
Rats are prolific breeders, and unfortunately, once they are established in your home, the infestation can quickly grow. Female rats can have as many as six litters a year; mostly, they will have between 5 or 10 pups in each litter, although this can be as high as a dozen. Starting from a single pair and in ideal conditions, it is possible to reach a population of 1,250 within a year.
Luckily conditions are rarely ideal, but these figures demonstrate just how quickly a rat infestation can spiral out of control. If you see increasing evidence of the signs listed above, then the infestation is likely getting worse.
A sure sign is noticing more daytime activity. Population growth can result in a lack of hiding spaces, forcing rats to take risks and show themselves in daylight hours. If this is the case, it is probably time to get the experts in.
Rat Infestation Health Risks
A rat infestation is a big problem that can pose serious health risks to you and your family if not dealt with as soon as it’s discovered. Rats, mice and other rodents can carry diseases that are dangerous for both humans and pets.
Below are some of the health risks that can be directly attributed to rats:
- Leptospirosis - Although rare in Ireland, this is a bacterial infection that enters the body through cuts or grazes or the lining of the mouth. The infection usually comes from contact with rat urine or contaminated water.
- Allergies - An accumulation of rat faeces can trigger allergic reactions.
- Salmonella - This is often associated with food poisoning, but it is also frequently spread through rat infestations. It is common in their faeces and can contaminate the surrounding environment.
- Hantavirus - This is a virus carried by rats that can be transmitted to humans simply by inhaling dust infected rat excreta and fluids. The European strain of the virus can result in hemorrhagic and kidney diseases. It is also responsible for a condition known as Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.
- Bites - Although it is rare for a rat to bite a human, it isn't unknown, particularly when it is cornered. As well as the physical discomfort that this causes, there is also a chance of bacterial infections, including one known as rat-bite fever.

Structural Damage that Rat Infestations Cause
Rats can cause havoc with the amount of structural damage they are capable of. They will gnaw at anything that takes their fancy, and unfortunately, that’s almost everything they find around your house.
While having your furniture, kitchen fittings, paintings, documents, bikes, and car tyres damaged by these rodents is undoubtedly inconvenient and expensive, the main problem is the electric issues they can cause. Rats have a penchant for cables and electrical wires, which can lead to short circuits, and in the worst-case scenario, to house fires.
How To Stop A Rat Infestation?
If any of the above signs sound familiar, then there is a very good chance you have a rat problem. Understandably, finding signs of a rat infestation can be distressing, but there are ways of dealing with this issue, and the quicker you get started, the easier it will be.
Identify your pest
By now, you should have enough information to identify whether your infestation is from rats or other rodents. This is critical when it comes to taking the right course of action.
Call in the pros
Rat infestations can quickly get out of hand. When you consider the risk to health and property, calling in professionals is the simplest and safest way to deal with an infestation.
If you are worried that you may have a rat infestation, call us immediately, our friendly and discrete professionals can easily and efficiently deal with any size of infestation. We have the right tools and expertise to quickly eradicate all rats from your property. We guarantee you will receive a personal service and advice every step of the way.